It’s a client-server model
Category: Study
openssl 签名和验证签名 举例
最近有不少人问我如何用openssl命令行来进行签名,验证签名,以及其它一些openssl的命令。 其实我对openssl也不太了解,倒是对rsa了解得比较多一些,像rsa背后的欧拉公式以及证明啊什么的,呵呵呵。 写一个小脚本,里面包含了加密/解密,签名/验证签名等一些例子,仅供参考。 [shell] #!/bin/bash set -e set -x # Generate 1024 bits rsa private key and output to file "test.key". # This private key was encrypted by AES256 with the password "hukeping". openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:hukeping  -out test.key 1024 # Generate public key from the private key file "test.key" and output it to […]
godef: tag stack empty
Recently I configure my mac with vim-go and gotags which could jump to a tag definition with the CTRL-] and jump back with CTRL-t . But when I jump back , I end up with an error “godef stack empty” , fortunately you could fix this by add the follow line to your ~/.vimrc let g:go_def_mapping_enabled=0
Be a maintainer
Thanks, all of you!
Fail when go get
One may comes across some error on install yaml.v2 using `go get`, like: $ go get package unrecognized import path “” Usually it’s a network error, please try: $ go get -v Fetching https fetch failed. import “”: https fetch: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority package unrecognized […]
Tips for cron
Hi there, We all know that if one wants to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at certain times or dates, he can use `cron`. If you `man cron` you would like to get: Cron – daemon to execute scheduled commands. And here are some tips for newcomes: 1. Use absolute path […]
A special commit message
commit 01a2ffca9aa958c9093f5419aec59b98d9dff3ab Author: HuKeping <> Date: Mon Nov 23 18:41:21 2015 +0800 Remove test user Say goodbye to tester0~tester99999, we appreciate what you’ve done. Signed-off-by: Hu Keping <> diff –git a/user/user.go b/user/user.go