2021.4.22 杭州





English Version

Finally, the reworked service have passed the pipeline and been deployed to the beta environment. There’s still some problem that Kafka server seems hasn’t got the message yet. Anyway, it’s a big progress and I think we can figure it out tomorrow before I left Hangzhou. It’s a success for this business travel I think.

Everyone would like to leave Hangzhou this week, so we hang out and eat together, I’ve seen some guys in the same team, but haven’t know each other yet. I find that I would prefer not to start or take part in a topic if was not ask to. I ask myself about this, am I too cold, am I think I was above everyone, am I introvert, or any other reason? The answer seems like I just more comfortable to standalone and listen rather than talk, it’s belong to the youngers (hey, I’m still young too LOL).

The flight is 21:00 to 23:30 tomorrow, it seems I cant get home before twelve clock ,but it’s a happy things that I can spent the whole day with the kids, much much better than waste it on the way on travel.

That’s all, good night.

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